Friday, June 7, 2013

National Donut Day

This does not sound like a thing I would normally celebrate or care about at all, but being in Taiwan has made me appreciate anything that I can celebrate. Of course we went out and got a donut and ate it at a little cafe. It was a nice treat for Saturday morning. Last night we bought some sunglasses at the night market and had to show them off today. I look ridiculous in all forms of sunglasses so Rob gave me the excellent advice of buying sunglasses that are ridiculous themselves. This is what I ended up with. Willy Wonka! I actually really like them. Very effective for blocking sun. My grandma has always worn sunglasses like these and I always liked them on her. Rob, as always, looks fantastic even with half a donut eye.  

Student/Teacher Date

Weird. I know.

A couple of my students wanted to take me to a vegetarian restaurant they had discovered. These students, Vivian, Alice, and Sophie (who couldn't make it) are very sweet in class and I have gotten along with them well. I am not really familiar with or particularly comfortable with students going anywhere with teachers outside of class. I have had a bunch of students ask, and I usually say no. I am so close to being done (single digits now) though that I felt it was ok to go on this one little adventure.

The students ordered for me. This was pretty interesting. Can you have tofu? No. Can you have egg? No. Can you have noodles? No. "I thought you were just vegetarian. What can you have?" They finally figured it all out and ordered. There was so much food!! I was able to try some really fun new things. The fried carrot cake with sauce was particularly good. Not at all the carrot cake I am used to. Here's a picture that shows just how much food there was.

We each had our own tray that included rice, soup, salad and a pumpkin sauce for our rice.
Alice on the left Vivian on the right. 

Vivian ordered a pizza too. To the right of them is the fried carrot cake with seaweed. So good. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Going to the Dentist

Last week Rob and I finally made a dentist appointment. Sadly, this has been the first dentist appointment we've had since we got married. Yikes! I know. Anyways, we knew that the process here would be easier/less expensive than it would be America. We have the national insurance so it's just a flat rate when you go in. We knew this and we were still pleasantly surprised with just how simple, and inexpensive it was. We were in and out in about a half hour. We only paid $10 for the cleaning. Rob had a tiny cavity filled even. I will really miss the national insurance system they have here. Only a few more weeks.