Wednesday, June 27, 2012

For our second day here, Rob and I took a little adventure to explore some of the stores in the area including the largest mall in Asia. (If that little tid bit of info doesn't bring you to Taiwan I don't know what will) It's call the "Dream Mall" and it was quite a site to see being eight floors and all. Also in Kaohsiung there is a Costco, IKEA, and a sort of Walmart that they call Carefore. Who would have though there would be a Costco here? I'm not sure how often we'll go to that corner of Kaohsiung, but it's good to know it's there if we need it.

We got a few apartment supplies and groceries from the Costco and started to head home when we got a little taste of the Taiwan rainy season. It was pretty brutal driving a scooter through all that rain but also quite an experience to have. We came home soaked through but at least it was a relief from the humid heat. We did take some pictures but you can't really tell how wet we are because we were wearing helmets. 

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