Saturday, June 30, 2012

To me, Taiwan is a maze. The driving here is rather out of my confort zone as well. There will be people who don't even look before they pull out right infront of traffic, scooters that are screaming down the road right next to old men riding their bikes with all of their belongings piled up and hanging off, and big trucks that have to fit on one lane of traffic. Fortunately for me, Rob can swerve in and out with the best of them. He's like a driving genius and gets us out of the tightest spots. Even though the streets may be crazy I feel as safe as a bubble wrapped leprechaun in Fort Knox.

From the first day we were here Rob had streets and roadways memorized. Whenever someone has shown us the way to the school, store, or restaurant Rob has it locked away somewhere. He even has learned some of the characters to help us find stores. It astounds me how well he has adapted here and just how comfortable he is with everything. I feel so lucky to be here with him. It has been so easy for me to adapt knowing that I have a wonderful companion and buddy to help me along not only here in Taiwan but for eternity. I look forward to learning more from him throughout the year.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Rob! I'm always jealous of people with a good internal compass/gps, it's such a useful skill. Glad you are getting around ok!
