Wednesday, July 4, 2012

This is a photo recap of our trip up the east side of Taiwan. I hope you enjoy
There were a ton of people at this little stream taking pictures. The stream actually runs up hill. 

I thought this was a really cool picture because you can actually see where the rock
was skipping along the surface. Rob is really good at skipping rocks, and I love watching him.

The classic Asian pose in front of the eight arch bridge.

These are the boys and their fireworks for the 4th of July. 

I love riding tandem bikes!! We got to ride this champ along the beach trail in Haulien.

We stopped here on our bike ride to take some really beautiful pictures. 

I could've spent hours here at the beach just looking at cool rocks and feeling the waves, but unfortunately we all got pretty badly burned and had to leave. In Taiwan they are really afraid of the ocean so no one is allowed to swim. That didn't really stop Rob. 

We stopped at a park where there were some hot air balloons. I could not believe 
how many people there were taking pictures. 

There was a frog just chilling in the middle of the park. You can kind of see 
how bad the sunburn is on my legs. 

The view from our hostel. 

This is not a very good picture of me but I love the sunburn line on my arms.


  1. Ouch--your sunburn looks painful! I really like the picture of you two with the mountains behind you. Keep up all the fun pictures, speaking of which, did you end up getiting a camera?

    P.S. I'm so glad you don't have cockroaches. Ants are a bummer though.

    1. The people here are super duper careful about almost everything except driving. Our Taiwanese friend Hank kept saying, "it's dangerous" and he wouldn't even step into the water. I kept thinking of Eliza :)

  2. They seriously don't swim in the ocean!? Is there some reason? Riptides, sharks, jellyfish, sneaky ninja clams? Regardless, I would have gotten in the water though too Rob.

    1. Sorry, Tiffany's reply is going here. We've had a hard time getting this site to be in English and I can't navigate very well in Chinese yet, but we have not bought a camera yet. We thought they would be cheaper here, but sadly, that is not the case.
