Monday, February 11, 2013

My Parents Visit Taiwan

My parents came to Taiwan for a week long visit after we came back from Thailand (it has been an action packed vacation for us to be sure) and we had a wonderful time showing them around Daliao. We also were able to visit Taipei while they were here to visit the temple. Rob and I had never been to Taipei so it was quite an adventure for all of us. My wonderful husband has adopted the Taiwanese photographing skills so this also will be more of a photo recap. They are more fun anyways.

The first day we went to a Salvador Dali exhibit and walked around Kaohsiung a little bit. We unfortunately did not bring a camera for this trip so we don't have any pictures. I thought it was a very interesting exhibit though. That Dali is a strange duck with a gift for art. The second day was Sunday so we went to church, hung around the apartment a bit, and took a drive through some nice pineapple fields. I think, debatably, Dad's favorite part of the trip was when we went to church.
We took a picnic lunch with us to visit Chenching lake in Kaohsiung city. It is a huge park
that I would compare to Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. The park surrounds a large lake and has beautiful pagodas
and fun things to see. We had a wonderful afternoon just walking around this place

Mom is the ever-do-gooder and started to sweep up. These brooms are left all over the park
for easy clean up I suppose. 

There was a bird park that contained chickens, pigeons, and peacocks. I think there
were more birds on the outside then inside the cages. 

Another pretty little bridge in the park. I think my parents are quite lovely. 

We had a few meals at 7-eleven because in Taiwan the restaurants are only open
for meal times and we were running on an odd schedule. This was our little snack so our stomachs
wouldn't growl while we were in the temple. 

I love to see the temple.  
We had a wonderful time at the temple. It was very peaceful when we were
there and I was thankful for that, being in such a bustling city. 

After the temple we went to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and the monuments there were HUGE.
They don't mess around when they are honoring people I guess. 

I guess you can't tell how large that building behind us is, but it is 250 ft high. There was
also an event going on while we were there and tents were everywhere. It was a big party.  

Just a cute boy playing with some pigeons. It was fun to watch the pigeons fly and everyone in the
square go chasing after them. I couldn't help but sing, "feed the birds, tuppence a bag..."

We went to Taipei 101, the largest building in Taiwan.  It was the largest building in the world for
just over five years before Dubai started building their monsters. It was fun to see the city from that high,
but I thought this was a beautiful picture of the building. 

We spent our last day at Fo Guang Shan. There is a tooth from Buddha that is held in a shrine here and the rest
of the area is dedicated to promulgating the Humanist Buddhist teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun.  There's a monastery, several large shrines, and a number of visitor centers and educational buildings.

Rob is usually behind the camera but I snapped this beauty of him. My mom cut his hair and I think
he is looking great. 

This is in the main worship hall and it is quite a site to see. I don't feel like the picture does it justice. 

This is the main monument where the Buddha tooth is kept. It is quite an extravagant an beautiful place to visit. 
We had a wonderful time with my parents here. I am afraid it has made me a little hungry for home and I have started counting down the days until we start our next adventure.

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