Monday, October 22, 2012

Photo Recap of our Eagle Trip

Last weekend we went to Kenting to see the eagles migrating, or something. It's kind of hard to know what they mean when everyone speaks Chinese. We did see a lot of Eagles. It was a wonderful weekend with lots of walking, hiking and nature seeing. 

The tree in the picture with Rob and this tree are all technically the same tree. This was the coolest thing
we saw on our first day and it was awesome. The movie Life of Pi was partly filmed here. 

This fire never stops burning because there is gas coming from the ground. Kind of cool.

Our second day hike. We're just climbing around in the jungle.
This time I remembered bug spray. 

This is one of my kindergarten boys and his name is Samuel. He was such a little stud
hiking down the river. His mom could barely keep up with him.

Yvonne from our office and Rob

We hiked up through the jungle and then followed the river out to the ocean. The beach was
beautiful and the spray from the waves was really nice. 

We spent a lot of our time at this farm and they cooked our meals here. The food was amazing and they cooked everything with this stove. 

We had an activity hour where we all did DIY projects. This is Rob preparing his tie-dye.

The Eagles. My camera does not do this justice at all. 

The dragon fruit field at the farm. Dragon fruit is really amazing. 

We pulled off the side of the road on the way home to wait for a sunset that never came.
The ocean behind Rob was still beautiful. (and so is Rob;)

This tent was out in front of our apartment building when we got home. We have no idea what they were celebrating
but the whole block was filled with festivities. They had a ton of food. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, cool to see how dragon fruit grows! So it's pretty tasty? I've never tried it but maybe next time I see it at the store I'll buy it and we'll eat it in your honor!!! :) Are you going to model those tie-dye shirts?
