Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sweet Tender Mercies

Since moving to Taiwan Rob and I have experienced some really wonderful adventures. We have both loved and hated teaching at our school. We have traveled to places without knowing where we were going and we've pretty much enjoyed it all. We usually take the scooter on our trips (even on 40 min drives) because we've become accustomed to it and it is fun. Well yesterday we decided to take the train for a little trip to a book store that sells books in English. It's pretty far away and the train gets us there faster, I think. By the bookstore, there was a little festival going on with a ton of booths selling great Taiwanese food, usually a bunch of strange looking meat roasted or fried, but we happened upon a nice little dish called, Korean rice sticks. One of Rob's students made some for Rob and he really likes them. Here he is enjoying them.

Anyways, later that night we decided to go grocery shopping and we took the scooter. Rob must have been a little out of practice because he left the keys in the scooter. We've been told that scooter theft is a pretty common thing so leaving the keys where everyone can see is pretty much asking for someone to take your scooter. We were also parked in the front so everyone would see our scooter. We had been in the store for 30-40 minutes before we even realized we didn't have the keys. My heart started pounding and I was sure we were stranded. We had no phone with us. I paid for the groceries while Rob ran out to check. I couldn't believe it when I came out to see our scooter. 

I don't know if God is aware of little things like that, because let's be honest he's a pretty busy guy, but I sure felt like he was watching over us. I couldn't stop thanking him on our way home. It's little tender mercies like that that keep me going. I'm so grateful for the comfort of my Heavenly Father's love. 

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