Friday, November 16, 2012

Catching Up on Halloween

 So, it’s been awhile since we updated the blog, and there’s much to say.

We took a group of kids trick-or-treating for Halloween, but this required some careful orchestration since Taiwanese people don’t celebrate this holiday.  Judy, a teacher in the English department, and about ten of her friends and neighbors wanted to give their kids a real Halloween experience, so they recruited the friendly American couple to dress up in costumes and teach them the “Trick or Treat Song”--which, this American didn’t even know was a song to begin with.

Anyways, because of the language barrier, we couldn’t do much with the kids besides smile and give them candy (sugar is a universal language for children).  Even so, we still had a blast hanging out with the kids on Halloween.  They seemed to have a good time too.  The best part, at least for me, was seeing all the proud parents carrying their cameras, snapping hundreds of pictures of the train of costumed children and their Anglo-American guides.  

It was really nice to be able to celebrate the holiday and make some new friends.

Part of our Halloween crew. The lady bug is just really excited. 

Getting ready for the march. Sorry it's so blurry

Rob was the leader of the parade. All the children loved following
the white devil guy :)

This one is for my parents who loving dressed me as a bunny for the first
years of my Halloween experiences. I still feel sad I broke my bunny years or I'd be
wearing them for Halloween now. 

I'll put a spell on you!

The real leader of all this is in the sparkly wig. She was amazing
and I couldn't believe she organized everything. She was a really good friend to meet. 

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great! The kids all look so excited and your costumes are fantastic!
