Sunday, January 6, 2013

3 Magical Years---- The Hobbit.

On Saturday we went to see The Hobbit. I have really wanted to see this movie because I love the book and The Lord of the Rings series. I think J.R.R. Tolkien built  fantastic world on paper. We decided to go to the theater early in the day in hopes of a matinee showing. On our way there we had a little bit of an accident. I believe I have written a post before on the craziness of driving in Taiwan. We were just driving along with traffic, not faster or slower, and out of no where a man on a scooter decides he is going to cut in front of all of us. He instantly realized he had made an error but instead of just hurrying on he stopped dead in the road. We just barely hit him while he was trying to say "pardon" in either Taiwanese or English. I can't really remember which language he was speaking. He sped away without another word and there we were with a scooter that wouldn't start again.

Rob pulled the scooter off to the side and soon discovered the problem. He was looking for a place to get a screw driver so he could fix the spark plug when a couple of guys came up to us. They really wanted to help us and one ran down to a mechanic down the road. The mechanic soon came back on his scooter and "pushed" us to his shop. Pushed= he motioned for us to get on the scooter and then he put his leg behind our scooter while still on his scooter and pushed/pulled us with his leg. I was so surprised by what he was doing I started to laugh out loud. We were on our way in ten minutes and the guy only charged us $5! Can you believe that? We felt very fortunate and thanked all those who helped us. It was strangely a wonderful experience to have.

When we finally made it to the theater at about 2 o'clock we found out that the only playing of The Hobbit with the 48 frames/sec was at 7:30. We had some time to kill. Luckily on the 17th floor of the mall with the theater was a book store. Perfect. While walking around the Literature section, I was thinking to myself how awesome it would be if I found some Bronte books. I have recently developed a little crush on their writing and I would love to find a box set of all of their work. That's when Rob handed me this, The Bronte Sisters Complete Works.
It was a perfect anniversary present. I ended up getting him some books as well, but nothing compared to this beauty. 

We had a great day of wondering around and exploring Taiwan. The movie was wonderful but I wish they were all just one movie. I rarely like endings in anything. We made it home safely and even found a new vegetarian restaurant that we love. Successful day and great anniversary.

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