Sunday, January 6, 2013

3 Magical Years

Time flies!

A couple of weeks ago I reminded Rob that our 3rd year anniversary was coming up and it sent him into a confused banter of wondering where the time had gone. I whole heartily agree with him. It has been a wonderful three years for us where we have made a lot of important decisions and come closer together. We really feel like we have the best marriage. I know that sounds silly, but we really can't get enough of each other. We keep joking about our acclimation back into America where we won't be working together, and we'll have to be apart for more than an hour at a time. It has been wonderful to be together so much and really see a different side of each other. I have found a new respect for Rob after seeing him teach. He really is a great teacher and so wonderful with the kids. After three years with him I am still learning new things about him, and I love him more and more.

We went to a wonderful dinner for our anniversary and Rob got me the best present in the world!!(next post)
The only normal sized mirror we have regular access to is in the elevator.
This is us giving duck faces to show approval/disapproval for the evenings attire. 

Our food was really good.

Look at that handsome boy!

Happy Happy Happy girl :)

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful tree! Is that at the restaurant? And I love the duck faces :)
