Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Am I Becoming a Feminist?

In our writing class we are teaching how to write a comparison essay. One of my students (girl) is determined to write about the difference between a man and a woman. While reading her rough draft I was saddened several times by her understanding of the differences between men and women. She first wrote about the different jobs that women could have including nurse, flight attendant, and waitress. Expressing the need to be pretty for these jobs. Then the jobs for men, engineer, businessman, and doctor because these jobs needed someone who was smart. I told her she couldn't write that so she replaced it with a paragraph about how men are better at math and chemistry and women are better at language. She also wrote how women are tender and men have male chauvinism. Yes I was impressed that she used the word chauvinism, but I was so shocked that she could really think something like that.

I have had many experiences here in Taiwan where I feel like I don't count because I am the female of the group. People at church will only speak to me through Rob. People at work won't ask me for translating advice if Rob is in the room, and sometimes they will even wait until he gets back. I understand Rob is the English guy, but I've been at this English thing for a while now. I think I'm doing ok with it. The little things start to add up and I've recognized that women really aren't seen quite as equals. It is beyond annoying for me.

Thankfully, I was able to inform my student that Rob and I break her mold in almost every way. I am the science and math brain of our family and Rob can keep up with the best when it comes to language, rhetoric of any kind. He's even catching on to Chinese with no real effort. The man is brilliant. Rob is also a very sensitive, loving person and he is definitely more of a feminist than I am.

I did appreciate her conclusion of how men and women compliment each other nicely and that is part of God's plan, but I don't think God intended anyone to think like this poor student of mine. I believe it is more of an individual matter.It is our individuality that makes us different, not our gender.

I don't really know what a feminist is so I can't really answer my own question. I am more of a, "let's all be happy with each other and lift everyone higher" kind of person I guess. I don't want to be told I am kind because I am a woman. No, I am kind because that is who I am. I also don't want someone to assume that Rob is smarter than me because he is a man. After all, he is by no means smarter than a fence post (his words).

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Learning to Adapt

It's always hard to teach someone the definition of a certain word when they don't have a real grasp on the language you are speaking. I use a lot of body language and I'm sure that people will get annoyed watching me talk when I get back to America. It is really helpful here though. Every once in awhile I feel like I really make a break through though and surprise myself. This is a conversation I had with a student of a very low level in English.

Mia: Miss Lauren, what is it? (pointing at the word "stylish")
Me: (a little stumped with how to describe it to her I say) so fashion
Mia: (her eyes light up with understanding) thanks teacher.

I'm always happy when I can kind of think like my students and connect with them. To her that made perfect sense even though it seems funny to English speakers.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Just for a smile

This is a motorcycle moving truck. 

Sweet Surprise

This last Thursday Rob and I decided that it was a good time to take a break, go on a date, and get some Indian food. It was a beautiful evening and we needed a little time away from the regular "in school and out of school" routine. We decided to take the train, we were too lazy to drive, and the sunset was so beautiful at the train station that we wanted to take a picture. I had unfortunately left my camera at home.

The food was fantastic and Rob and I are anxious to compare it to the Indian food we know and love in  Provo. Yes we think it might be as good as India Palace, but no saag aloo :(. We had a wonderful conversation and were really happy to be out of the apartment and seeing a few new places and faces.

When we got off the train to come back home a man from the station was there to great us. He spoke wonderful English and asked if we had lost a camera. I was shocked and said, "is it green?" He was pleased when he answered yes and took us to the main desk area. Sure enough there was my camera. I honestly have no idea where it could've fallen out of my bag or when. I looked for it right as we got to the station so it must have been in the parking lot, but I don't know how it could've fallen out because my bag was zipped. I was so confused, but I was so grateful that there are wonderful people who don't steal things and try to get them back to the owners. Luckily those owners were probably the only white people that got off at that station that night. I feel like so many wonderful things like this have happened in Taiwan. We are really blessed. I am so happy to have my camera back.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sweet Potato Month

Yes many of you were unaware but last month was National Sweet Potato Month. I don't know who makes up these things but I kept hearing about it from various eating/cooking blogs etc. Of course, I was a fan of dedicating an entire month to celebrate one of my favorite foods. I think if there was only one food that I could pick to eat the rest of my life it would be the sweet potato. Everything goes perfectly with a sweet potato. Taiwan has increased my love for this delectable vegetable because they have a few different kinds here. Instead of french fries the street vendors cook up some really thick sweet potato fries and they are the best!

I of course had to celebrate on the last day of the month with some fries, mashed sweet potatoes and some sweet potato curry. All of which were delicious, or in Chinese (how chshi). Yeah Chinese is hard for me. If any of you need any ideas on how to use a sweet potato instead of the normal Thanksgiving marshmallow stuff try this out.

I don't really follow recipes very much but this one combines two of my favorite things: curry and sweet potatoes. So Good!