Friday, March 8, 2013

Sweet Surprise

This last Thursday Rob and I decided that it was a good time to take a break, go on a date, and get some Indian food. It was a beautiful evening and we needed a little time away from the regular "in school and out of school" routine. We decided to take the train, we were too lazy to drive, and the sunset was so beautiful at the train station that we wanted to take a picture. I had unfortunately left my camera at home.

The food was fantastic and Rob and I are anxious to compare it to the Indian food we know and love in  Provo. Yes we think it might be as good as India Palace, but no saag aloo :(. We had a wonderful conversation and were really happy to be out of the apartment and seeing a few new places and faces.

When we got off the train to come back home a man from the station was there to great us. He spoke wonderful English and asked if we had lost a camera. I was shocked and said, "is it green?" He was pleased when he answered yes and took us to the main desk area. Sure enough there was my camera. I honestly have no idea where it could've fallen out of my bag or when. I looked for it right as we got to the station so it must have been in the parking lot, but I don't know how it could've fallen out because my bag was zipped. I was so confused, but I was so grateful that there are wonderful people who don't steal things and try to get them back to the owners. Luckily those owners were probably the only white people that got off at that station that night. I feel like so many wonderful things like this have happened in Taiwan. We are really blessed. I am so happy to have my camera back.

1 comment:

  1. That's really crazy. How many thousands of people go through there and he still found you? Incredible. Emery wants to type, here's what she says:vh/lcvxu./
