Monday, September 24, 2012


On September 21, 1999 there was a huge earthquake in Taiwan that claimed over 2000 lives and injured many more, and because of this earthquake schools all over Taiwan do an earthquake drill on this day. It was fun to watch the kids all running out to the track field with their book bags over their head. Many did not take it seriously and were very unhappy to have to stand out in the sun for a half hour in ninety degree weather. Have I mentioned they wear sweats for their unifrom? Crazy! I was laughing and having a good time as well, never considering the possibility that we would really be effected by an earthquake while we were here.

This morning I was proved wrong. Haha that sounded dreadful. I just mean that we felt an earthquake this morning. It was about six in the morning and our apartment started shaking. At first I was really confused. Was I still sleeping? Was I dreaming? What was going on? Oh yeah, this is earthquake territory. When we got into the office no one else had felt it and our Taiwanese boss said that they are just used to the little shakings now. This is the first time I've ever really felt an earthquake and I thought it was pretty cool. However, I don't want to be around when it does any real damage.

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