Saturday, September 29, 2012


Spiders deserve a whole blog post of their own. Before this past week Rob and I have not really seen a lot of spiders anywhere really, but especially not in our apartment. I have been really happy about this because I had heard the spiders were really big here. What I had heard was correct. We found this little monster in Rob's pants that we had hung out to dry. I picked up the pants and put them on the coffee table when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. Immediately, I threw the pants outside where I then yelled at Rob for his camera. When we went to church last week there just happened to be this spider's baby brother crawling on the wall. No one even seemed to notice and they just let it crawl around. This is a new thing for me for sure. I guess they don't bite, but they did saw that if they crawled on you they would leave a rash. I think I'd be left with an unnatural fear of all of those mysterious hairs that rub against your arm.

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