Friday, April 26, 2013

Calculated Consumption

If any of you have made a big move you know the idea of "calculated consumption" and how it really affects your life. Rob and I now have just a smidgen under two months left in Taiwan. I don't know if Rob really has started to think of this, but every time I open our fridge or our cupboard or even getting ready in the morning I start to think if I need to cut back using an item so it'll make or if I should consume more of it so I don't have to worry about taking it home.

Most of the food we eat is produce and we get it weekly/biweekly from the market so that is not a big deal, but we do have some big items such as rice, oatmeal, noodles etc. I also think of shampoo and tooth paste. I must be a lunatic. Obviously we have limited space so I don't want to take back things like  a half full bottle of lotion, but I don't want to waste it. Here goes using all that lotion (i'm not a big lotion user so it'll be a challenge). Luckily, we are leaving behind most of our clothes so we should have some space to take back some fun items.

Maybe you can tell but I am getting excited to move back to the US. I will really miss living here but there are somethings that I really miss. Family. Friends. Seeing the stars. Camping anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing SO hard as I read this because Gavin is EXACTLY THE SAME WAY! To be honest I hardly think about that but Gavin is always asking me what the plan is to use up all the food just right.
