Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Perfect Storm

Yesterday was pay day!! We still don't have a bank account here and I'm still without a work visa. But Hey! It was still pay day. Pay day inspires spending money. With the little money that I had made, working literally an hour a week, burning a hole in our pockets we decided to treat ourselves. We were prompted to go to a hot pot because it had been raining off and on all day, and we learned from our last experience, nothing beats a hot pot on a cool rainy summer day. The raining was off and on until we hopped on our scooter and were half way there at least. Then it was a full on shower. We were driving through rivers and ponds that covered the whole street, and the water came down in teaspoon sized droplets. When other scooters would pass us they would splash water up to our knees.

Luckily we were prepared with some rain gear that has been specialized for Taiwanese torrential down pours (picture below) and we only got parts of our body pruney. I kid you not, when we got to the restaurant my feet had been soaking so much that they were a little pruney. The whole time on the drive there and back I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I was to be driving through a rain storm on the back of a scooter in Taiwan. How many people can really say that they've done that? Well, people back home at least. It was just something that I was happy to experience while I'm here and soak it all in. The culture, the rituals, the people, the food, the weather, the whole ambience of the place is so new and wonderful to me that I hope I can learn and discover it all.
I have no idea why I choose to get a pink rain coat (maybe so you can tell I'm a girl under there)
but I can at least say I was given the pink helmet. As goofy looking as the rain jackets are they are indeed practical. 

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